early reassurance scan
(6-13 weeks)
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Early reassurance scans are available from 6 weeks gestation to 13 weeks. Your scan will be conducted by a fully qualified NHS trained sonographer using the latest technology. This scan is to provide reassurance prior to your hospital scan.
Appointment Duration – 20 minutes
Your Scan
- 2D Abdominal ultrasound scan
- Confirm and locate pregnancy
- Establish how many babies are present
- See your babies heartbeat(s)
- Gather an estimated due date
- (If you do not know the first day of your last period we request that you come 3 weeks after obtaining a positive pregnancy test)
- Well-Being check
- 2 x Printed black and white photographs
- ALL photos and videos sent via a download link (no extra charge)
Preparation for your scan
✔️ Please attend this scan with a FULL bladder – drink approximately ONE PINT of water an hour before your visit
✔️ Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete your paperwork
Important information – please read
* If you are suffering pain or bleeding please contact your hospitals early pregnancy unit prior to booking a scan with us
* This scan is NOT a replacement for your local NHS scan
* This scan is NOT diagnostic. We cannot answer any diagnostic questions
* Scans can be undertaken from 16 years of age. If you are under 18 you will need to attend the scan with a responsible adult along with your hospital notes
* No GP referral required
Why not upgrade to one of our Packages?
gender reveal scan
(14-24 weeks)
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Gender scans are available from 14 weeks gestation to 24 weeks. Your scan will be conducted by a fully qualified NHS trained sonographer using the latest technology. This scan is to provide reassurance prior to your hospital scan.
Appointment Duration – 20 minutes
Your Scan
- Confirm babies gender
- Listen to your babies heartbeat(s)
- Well-Being check
- 2D scan
- Sneak peak of your baby in 3D
- 2 x Printed black and white photographs
- ALL photos and videos sent via a download link (no extra charge)
Preparation for your scan
✔️ Please attend this scan with a FULL bladder – drink approximately ONE PINT of water an hour before your visit
✔️ Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete your paperwork
How do you want to find out?
Please let our staff know how you would like to find out the gender. Whether its just in the room during your scan, written down on paper and popped into a sealed envelope, or if you are doing a gender reveal we have many options to help you celebrate finding out the sex of your baby.
We also offer:
- Confetti Cannons
- Smoke Cannons
- Heartbeat Bears
- Footballs and Golf Balls
- Giant Reveal Balloons
Important information – please read
* Sometimes babies can be in a position that our sonographer will not be able to confirm the gender. You will be offered FREE re-scan at the earliest convenience
* This scan is NOT a replacement for your local NHS scan
* This scan is NOT diagnostic. We cannot answer any diagnostic questions
* Scans can be undertaken from 16 years of age. If you are under 18 you will need to attend the scan with a responsible adult along with your hospital notes
* No GP referral required

3d / 4d bonding scan
(20-35 weeks *)
Bonding scans are available from 24 weeks gestation to 35 weeks. Your scan will be conducted by a fully qualified NHS trained sonographer using the latest technology. This scan is to provide reassurance after to your 20 week NHS hospital scan and prior to birth.
Appointment Duration – 20 minutes
*sometimes our little babies are in a position difficult for our sonographer to get a clear image meaning you may be sent for a little walk to move baby about and return for another scan.
Please allow at least an hour in case this happens.
Your Scan
- 3D / 4D scan
- Listen to your babies heartbeat(s)
- Well-Being check
- Check presentation and size of your baby(s)
- 2 x Printed colour photographs
- ALL photos and videos sent via a download link
*** 20-35 weeks depending on the position of your placenta and the amount of fluid around baby. We suggest no later than 27 weeks with an ANTERIOR placenta. This does NOT mean it cannot be done. Please call on 07597187959 to discuss this further ***
Preparation for your scan
✔️ Please attend this scan with a EMPTY bladder
✔️ Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete your paperwork
Important information – please read
* Sometimes babies can be in a position that our sonographer will not be able to complete the full service of this scan. You will be offered one FREE re-scan at the earliest convenience
* This scan is NOT a replacement for your local NHS scan
* This scan is NOT diagnostic. We cannot answer any diagnostic questions
* Scans can be undertaken from 16 years of age. If you are under 18 you will need to attend the scan with a responsible adult along with your hospital notes
* No GP referral required

2d reassurance / well-being scan
(14-42 weeks)
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Reassurance / Well-Being scans are available from 14 weeks gestation to 42 weeks. Your scan will be conducted by a fully qualified NHS trained sonographer using the latest technology. This scan is to provide reassurance in-between your hospital scans.
Appointment Duration – 20 minutes
Your Scan
- 2D Scan
- Listen to your babies heartbeat(s)
- Well-Being check
- Check presentation and size of your baby(s)
- 2 x Printed black and white photographs
- ALL photos and videos sent via a download link
Preparation for your scan
✔️ 14-20 weeks – Please attend this scan with a FULL bladder – drink approximately ONE PINT of water an hour before your visit
✔️ 21-42 weeks – Please attend this scan with a EMPTY BLADDER
✔️ Please arrive 5 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete your paperwork
Important information – please read
* This scan is NOT a replacement for your local NHS scan
* This scan is NOT diagnostic. We cannot answer any diagnostic questions
* Scans undertaken from 16 years of age. If you are under 18 you will need to attend the scan with a responsible adult along with hospital notes
* No GP referral required